Particle and Nuclear Physics Seminar at J-PARC

(J-PARC 素粒子原子核セミナー)

DATE: 2016 May.24th 10:30-11:30

PLACE:J-PARC Research Building Meeting room, 2nd floor

TITLE: ALICE: past, present and future


SPEAKER: Prof. Yves Schutz
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

CONTACT: Prof. Shunzo Kumano,


ALICE, A Large Ion Collider Experiment, is the experiment at the CERN
LHC dedicated to the exploration of strongly-interacting matter under
extreme conditions of temperature and energy density. After recalling
the objectives of the heavy-ion scientific program, the present
knowledge on the properties on matter formed in heavy-ion collisions
at the LHC will be reviewed together with the unexpected results
obtained in high multiplicity proton-proton and proton-Lead
collisions. The perspectives of this program on the short and long
term will finally be discussed.